Monday, December 31, 2012

Word of the Year

I've never really been one for New Years Resolutions but this year, I'm feeling the resolutions.  I've been thinking about what I want to do differently this year for a few days now and still have no set resolutions.  However, I found this word of the year idea and I immediately knew what my word will be.  My word for 2013 will be try.  I chose this word for a couple of different reasons. 
1) I've noticed this past year that when I come across something new, I'll say something like "I don't think that's for me" or "I doubt that works" or "That sounds like something I wouldn't like."  I've also realized that if I never try something new,  I will never know whether it works for me or not.  I've never tried oil pulling so how do I know it won't cure headaches, bronchitis, tooth pain and every other ailment says it cures.  I've never eaten tongue, so how do I know that I won't like it.  I don't! So in 2013,  when I catch myself saying that something won't work or sounds awful, I'm going to try it long as it's safe.
2) This past semester, I took an Environmental Science class and I realized that there are a lot of  Global issues that bother me like the destruction of our environment and World hunger and gun violence and child labor.  But I tend to think that I'm just one person and that there is nothing I can do to make a difference so I don't do anything.  How stupid is that!?!? In 2013 I am going to try to make a difference.  I still don't really believe that just my actions will make a difference but I will no longer use that as an excuse not to try.
What's your word of the year?

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