Saturday, April 13, 2013

KWLA Festival

Friday, during my Spanish American Civilizations class, the professor passed around a piece of paper to get volunteers for the KWLA Festival (I'm pretty sure that stands for Kentucky World Language Association and it's basically a festival for any student (high school or lower) of any language to come and practice and show off what they know).  The Festival was today, from 8am to 2pm so I really was not all that interested in volunteering, but when the paper got me ( I was the last person to get it) there wasn't a single name on the list and I felt bad that no one else wanted to volunteer so I went ahead and put my name down.  So today, I got to lead 4 rounds of Spanish Jeopardy, 2 beginning level rounds and 2 intermidiate rounds.  It was a pretty fun day but I'm pretty sure I don't want to be a high school Spanish teacher.  I don't think I have the patience to work with some of these students.
Although it was an early day, this gig did come with some pretty sweet perks.  I got free lunch and $20 worth of gift cards! I think my professor is also giving me some extra credit for helping out.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun to me. I bet you made a great Alex. Good for you.
