Friday, February 22, 2013

The Year of Try: Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an old Ayurveda healing treatment that is basically sitting around for 20 minutes with a spoonful of oil in your mouth.  I have heard some pretty crazy claims about the benefits of oil pulling like it can cause a  5 lb weight loss in one week and it apparently cures everything from tooth pain to malignant tumors.  I don't have any malignant tumors to try it out on so the validity of that claim will have to stay a mystery, but from everything I've read about oil pulling, if I do this once a day for one week, I should be feeling and looking better than I do right now.  So, let's find out if it's true!


  1. Where did you hear about this? Sounds a little crazy to me...

  2. I saw it first on pinterest then I did a little more research on it
