Monday, March 4, 2013

Oil Pulling aka The Grossest Thing I've Ever Done, Ever

I thought about writing a post about how I have so much to do this week and how I wish it was spring break so I could go to Louisville and see my cat and do nothing but knit all day long.  Luckily, I thought about it and realized that nobody really cares about that.  I barely even care.  So I'm just going to talk about my oil pulling experience instead.
Before anyone gets too excited, let me just say that this had absolutely no effect on me what so ever.  I look the same, I feel the same and I weigh the same.  I did only do this for a week, but according to what I read about it, a week should be enough to see differences.  So let it just be known that there is no benefit to sitting around for twenty minutes with a mouth full of olive oil.
Now, I am dedicating the rest of this post to talking about how disgusting oil pulling is.  In fact, if there weren't certain family member who I know read this blog, I would use some pretty nasty words to describe it.  It's not the taste I had a problem with.  I really like the taste of olive oil.  On pasta, bread, salad...that's good.  But sitting around with a tablespoon of it in your mouth takes it from "That's a flavor I really enjoy" to "Oh my God, my mouth is so greasy and slimy. I don't even care what it tastes like, it's nasty." I totally understand why it is suggested to do this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.  If you have any sort of gag reflex and you decide to try oil pulling right after a meal...good luck to you.
So a) no effect and b) so gross it's beyond gross...I think it's safe to say that I am never going to try oil pulling again.  I also would not recommend anyone try it, but hey, I'm just one person.  What does nothing for me might work wonders on someone else.  The only way to know if something works for you is to give it a try.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for thinking of me and keeping your language clean. Your mother loves you!
