Wednesday, February 13, 2013

8 hour diet update: weeks 4 and 5

I have still been following the 8 hour diet.  I haven't lost any weight since the last update.  I can pretty confidently tell you that this diet is completely bogus but I'll keep going for one more week just in case there is some sort of miracle on the last day. 

In other Grace related news, I still love my job with ISA.  Currently I am working on a safety report for San Jose Costa Rica.  My school is currently not sending students to San Jose because a couple of people who went, didn't feel safe while they were there.  So it is my job to find statistics about crime there compared to US cities, come up with tips for avoiding being a victim of crime and hopefully making people feel more comfortable with traveling to San Jose.

Also, I've been working on my Peace Corps application.  I'm not planning on leaving for at least a year but from what I hear, it takes about a year from the time you apply to the time you start you service so I'm trying to get the application done pretty soon.  I have just a couple more things and I will be all done!

And last but not least,  my birthday is tomorrow!!!!! It's a big one: 21 years old.  I don't really have any plans for tomorrow night.  My current plan is to stop by Trader Joe's sometime tomorrow and pick up a bottle of wine and some cupcakes.  I'll spend the night watching Grey's Anatomy and doing homework.  If that's not the best way to celebrate your birthday, I don't know what is.

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