Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mi Salida - My Departure

Well, it's finally here.  I am getting on a plane that will take me to Spain!!! Actually I'm getting on a plane that will take me Chicago and from there I'm getting on a plane that will take me to London. But from London I am getting on a plane that will take me to Spain. It's going to be along day of planes and airports but at least flying will get me there faster than any other form of transportation.  My flight out of Louisville leaves at 7:55 and I will arrive in Madrid at 9:40 on Sunday.

I am flying into Madrid to meet there with other students from my program. In Madrid we will be going to The Museum Sofia Reina and El Palacio Real (Royal Palace).  We'll so be doing a panoramic city tour. I don't really know what a panoramic city tour is but we're going to do it. From Madrid we are going to Toledo for a day and we'll be in Granada by Wednesday.

I'll let you guys know when I'm in Spain and I'm sure there are lots of really cool pictures to come!

Hasta Luego! ( By the way, Hasta luego is a way of saying see you later in Spanish)


  1. Please let your parent's know that you arrived and that everything is going great

  2. We heard from Grace. She is in Madrid and everything is going great. She does not have internet available to her yet, but as soon as she does she will post an update.
