Monday, October 24, 2011

Rain in Granada??? Just doesn't seem right.

So it has been raining...for the past three days.  Saturday morning when I woke up for my morning jog there was something wet falling from the sky.  It took me a little while to realize it was actually raining.  Then Sunday I got woken up around 10am (after being out until 4am) to a thunderstorm.  Yes, a thunderstorm. Of course, being the heavy sleeper I am, I basically just acknowledged the sound and went back to sleep for a few hours. And yet again, today has just been a drizzly, cold, dreary day.  I'm starting to believe that October might actually be the start of the "rainy season" in Granada.  It has also been quite chilly compared to what we're use to here. I might even have to buy a coat sometime.  The weather change is actually kind of nice.  It's really getting me into the Halloween mood.  The stores here actually have Halloween costumes and Halloween candy. This weekend, because the weather was so gross, Greta and had a little movie fest.  We watch Nightmare Before Christmas, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Misery. And now that I have my Halloween pillow cases, I am really set for this holiday weekend.

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