Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A comer mi nina!

Every meal, Greta and I get called to the table by Carmen yell "A comer mi nina." I'm pretty sure that I've mentioned that Carmen is an amazing cook, but I going to say it again.  Carmen is a really really good cook. And her food is pretty healthy too.  We eat a lot of vegetables, chicken and eggs.  I am going to try to do a weekly post called "A comer mi nina" with some pictures of what we are eatting. We'll see if I can remember to do that.
This is mine and Greta's favorite meal so far.  We've eaten this for lunch at least once a week since we've gotten here.  If I remember correctly it's called Pixta.  It's zuchini, onions and poblano peppers.  She always serves it with a fried egg, but I'm not really sure if that is the traditional Spanish way of eatting this dish or if that's just a Carmen thing. She seems to serve fried eggs with just about everything we eat for lunch. It is really good with bread dipped in it.  I have already started writing a list of all the recipes I want before I go back to the States and this is definitely on the top.

I think I also mentioned that Carmen really likes her fruit.  We have fruit for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And we take a piece of fruit with us to class as a snack.  Everytime she goes to the grocery store, she comes back with 3 grocery bags filled with different types of fruit and I always think that there is no way we will be able to eat all of it before it goes bad, but we alway do. 

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