Saturday, September 17, 2011

Vamos a la Playa - Let's go to the Beach

Sorry, I haven't posted for a while.  I've gotten a little busy and I just couldn't find the time this week.

This past weekend, I took a trip to the beach with some friends.  We went to Salabreña which is an hour bus ride away from Granada.  The beach is on the Mediterranean.  I don’t know if any of you have been to a beach like this, but it was completely different than any beach I’ve ever been to.  First off, the sand is rocks, like little pebbles that, yes are beautiful but kind of dig into your feet.  It wasn’t that soft powdery sand we had on the Atlantic.  But the uncomfortable sand is really my only complaint about this beach.  The water was absolutely gorgeous.  It was bright blue and completely see through.  I just kept thinking of the Charleston beaches and the murky brown water that was there.
But the biggest difference I saw between Spanish beaches and American beaches was the people.  The Spanish women are so much more confident with their bodies the American women are.  Pretty much every single woman, no matter their size, wears a bikini.  There were women, not only 3x my size but 3x my age wearing bikinis.  On top of that, most women go topless and they act like they aren’t over exposed at all.  It’s just a completely normal thing.  I think that’s one of the reasons I find Spaniards so attractive.  It’s not like they are really that much better looking than Americans (well, some of them are) but every single person in Spain walks around like they are the most beautiful person in the World and that is almost enough to make it true.  The way they just accept who they are and what their bodies look like without trying to change themselves is incredible to me.  It’s a very nice change from America, were it seems like every other commercial is for Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem or for some pill to make you skinny.  I have not seen one ad for weight loss products while I’ve been here. 
So on that note, I’ll leave you with a music video that my friend Josiah showed me.  This song is actually pretty popular in Spain right now.  It’s on the radio and I actually heard it in the discoteca the other night. I personally  think it’s ridiculous.

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